"BodyTalk is my saviour, it has literally saved my life.  It gave me the strength and confidence that I needed to leave my abusive marriage, which I tried unsuccessfully to do for years!  It saved my son and I from an unhappy existence.  I feel like its changed me in so many ways: I'm happy, confident and I make decsions much easier.  I trust my intuition and I find that I don't sweat the small stuff anymore, and at work I find the things that would have stressed me out before just bounce off of me now.  I am very happy to have reached my ultimate goal of happiness and freedom.  I feel that it's all because of what BodyTalk can do!  I would strongly recommend it to everyone!"
--Natasha Edwards, 37, Calgary, AB

"Being Wellness & Healing has helped me access my awareness of the subconscious and unconscious behaviours, thoughts and emotions which had dictated the way I reacted to life.  Now I am able to apply those new energies to face challenges that were previously insurmountable, and create meaningful and lasting change in my life."

--Haley MacIntyre, 27, Penticton, BC

"I decided to try Being Wellness & Healing's services with my son William, when I noticed he was distracted, anxious and unhappy.  He only had a few sessions once per week with Dylan and right after the first session I noticed him much calmer, slept better and his mood uplifted.  He no longer showed aggression at school and was better able to verbally communicate his thoughts and feelings in a healthy way,"
--Monika Berezowski, 26, Kelowna BC

"I suffered through an abusive, irregular & negligent childhood and had a very hard time in groups and in many ways because of it.  I couldn't focus on school work and often became the class clown in my classrooms because attention and validation to make me feels secure was so much more valuable to me than self-improvement ever was, and rejection was absolute devastation for what little self-esteem I had.  Social interactions were terrifying extremes and I had severe problems having any consistency growing up. 

And I have been getting regular sessions with Being Wellness & Healing consistenly now for years now and now I am not only comfortable in social situations, I can speak in front of large groups at work. I can comfortably handle the responsibility of being a leader.  In fact, I would say that I look forward to responsibility because I know the task will be done right (usually)!  ...Look at me being confident hahaha...awesome...  I have also been in a long term relationship for almost a year and a half now, and whats more, is that I can honestly say that I am happy and I genuinely love myself.  Thank you so much BW&H, you have literally changed my life!

--Charles Gordon, 35, Calgary AB

"I stumbled upon this remarkable practitioner quite by accident.  At the time, I had no idea what BodyTalk was all about, but I felt a real need for a different sort of healing experience.  I give thanks to Dylan for being able to access and bring about a much deeper level of healing and awareness.  It has been quite an experience feeling the subtle shifts in my being following the sessioins with Dylan.  I still can't say that I completely understand it yet, but I definitely feel it." 

--Michelle Laraque, 36, Penticton BC

"I want to really thank you Dylan.  Like really dude.  Four months ago I never thought or even considered sitting a dinner table with some of the people in my life. I honestly hated them so much and they made me so angry that it literally made me sick inside if I even heard some of their names or thought about them in any way.  I even considered not being with my boyfriend anymore because I felt so alone and so against everyone that even he reminded me of a lack of love that I had for myself and my life, which was too bad considering there was a time when he was the safest and best part of my life.

It was like there was a black cloud hanging over my life, I was so angry and miserable.  Everywhere I went and everything I did, I couldn't stop thinking about it and feeling hurt and betrayed and angry.  They literally ruined my life... But you know what..? I allowed them to hurt me.  I allowed myself to go to hate instead of love.  And even four months ago I didn't think I realized I was also sharing responsiblity for what happened to me.

So dude, you have really changed me and my life with BodyTalk.  You have given me the gift of friendship.  I have become a better person, a happier and a more whole person.  No longer do things affect me the way they used to.  I finally feel free, like I am on the road to healing so many things that weighed me down and held me back from being the real me.  Let's face it, I still have lots of work and healing to do; but I am confident that in a year from now I will be someone that I never even dreamt of being was possible.  I truly believe that my future is going to have so much joy and magic.  So thanks friend, I love you and thank you for what you do."

--Melanie Belley, 25, Sherwood Park AB

"Feeling free and loving me!! I first met Dylan at the Farmer’s Market where I had an introductory session to try out the BodyTalk System and see if the experience was a good fit with my goal of holistic personal growth and healing. For almost three decades I experienced cyclical bouts of depression and anxiety and only had mild success with allopathic treatments and self help experimentation.

The BodyTalk System gently peeled my layers of; self doubt, feelings of being less than, the heavy grey blanket of depression, the feelings of worry of the future and others. Now, I am confident to say with a glowing smile that I feel peaceful, joyful, and radiant. My investment in sessions is easily one of the best decisions I have made in my life thus far."

--Jennifer Cline, 41, Penticton BC

"Today was an fabulous experience. I brought my teenage daughter to see Dylan Smeaton for a BodyTalk session in Penticton Clinic. He was so kind and friendly with her. He spent time explaining how it all works which was so interesting. I am amazing on how much areas of her life that he was able to tap into. Mind, Body, spirit plus family and school life. He was able to tap into her past lives, her life today and what might be coming up for her in her future. When he found things were out of balance he was able to adjust them by raising or lowering the vibrations or taping them clear, so that it was all in more balance for her overall wellness. He was clearly able to access subconscious and unconscious behaviours, thoughts and emotions and he helped her to see it all in a new light. He was also able to connect in with the animals in her life too which she loved. She was left feeling very empowered and has a new way to see her life. I am amazing with how much he was able to do in just one hour. I would highly recommend a session with Dylan Smeaton."

--Maria O' Farrell, 41, Penticton BC

"Thank you very much Dylan.  Since my sessions with you it has helped me to understand that I too need to help myself to help others.  It has woken me up and you have many great talents and some that you have not opened the doors yet.  You will understand what I mean when you do.  I would love to do what you do and if it's in the cards for me, I trust that it will come to fruition.  I think I just need to find me and release some stuff to move on first.  Grateful that you are on my journey!"

--Angela Ahlstrom, 39, Edmonton AB

"My 20 year-old daughter started sessions with Dylan in October of 2014.  When she began sessions with him, she was very closed off, angry at the world, had an eating disorder, was depressed, was using drugs to cope with her emotions and scarily enough at times was suicidal.  I, in turn, was absolutely sick with worry about her.

Over a period of six years, I had taken her to numerous medical doctors, counselors, homeopathic doctors, pretty much any professional I could think of to help her.  Despite their best efforts we could see very little if any progress and my daughter just kept sinking lower and lower.

The first few sessions with Dylan were rough for her I think.  He was helping her to work through some really tough subjects.  Within a short period of time she began talking more, started eating better, found motivation and began to realize that she has an important place in this world.

Fast forward to today, a short six months later, and my daughter has just finished being accepted to college in the fall.  She laughs all the time, eats healthy, exercises in a healthy way, doesn't call in sick to her job, and is finally finding joy in her life. 

There is no possible way I could ever say thank you enough to Dylan for helping to bring my beautiful, smart, talented and genuinely kind and happy daughter back to us.  To see her calm and focused, smiling and laughing brings me to tears...happy tears.

Thank you Dylan."

--Dawn Mitchell, 40, Edson AB

"I began my journey because doing it yourself only takes you so far. Finding the right tools to lead you in the direction you know you need to go but don't know how, is when Dylan came into my life. It was not by chance but the right time and the right moment for the push I was seeking. When I started with him in October 2014 I felt lost and alone. I kept repeating the same mistakes and couldn't figure out what the universe was trying to say.

Dylan gave me an interpretation that made sense and the addition of different types of methods from tapping to reiki to meditation I have come leaps and bounds. I am more confident in my intuition and trusting myself, there is this feeling of lightness as we peel back the layers. I feel healed in ways that I can't even explain. This is a person that gives you incredible tools to become the person you were meant to be."

--Germaine Roberto, 34, Edson AB

"Session with Dylan is an amazing journey to your own inner-self.  It's a journey to the surface of the spiritual world that will help you to realize and discover who you really are.  The most beautiful part is that sessions helped me to gather strength and love to face MYSELF and to be MYSELF without the fear that the true ME will be hidden behind other people expectations and pressure of today's society."

--Terezija Nad, 34, Penticton BC

"Before I started attending sessions with Dylan, I would go through many of what I call DARK NIGHTS of the soul.  I was frustrated and bitter because I was doing the same things and expecting different results.  I was stuck, I knew things had to change, but I didn't know where to start nor how.  I've been healing myself most of my life, but doing BodyTalk with Dylan has really helped me get in touch with myself.  Today I feel positive, hopeful, and I have faith that I have what it takes to get me where I want to go.  I value myself more, and overall I am just happier.  Not only that, but I have learned many tools to help me continue on my journey.  Dylan is great at what he does and he has a genuine concern for your wellbeing.  Thank you Dylan, you have really made a difference in my life!" 

--Rebecca Wright, 44, Airdrie AB

"I have been working with Dylan for 9 months and it has been fantastic! I have done a lot of healing and releasing in this time period and a lot of it can be contributed to Dylan's beautiful gifts. He is thoughtful, understanding, and so very intelligent. It was kind of amazing how things that I had been working on for so long didn't shift until I was working with Dylan. We would have a session and that night or the following day I would have family members come up to talk to me about the very things we had worked on in session, conversations that had never happened before hand that I had always tried to have. This stuff really works! It releases a lot of things, my confidence has sky rocketed and I have gained much clarity in my life since starting this. Well worth the investment! Thank you Dylan!"

--Maria Roberto, 35, Edson AB

"Dylan was introduced to me by my oldest sister in fall 2014. I had been looking for some type of healing work and wanted something that worked with my schedule and my big personality.

The first session was the door to a journey i had long been waiting for! I've always been a deep and open person, however BodyTalk brought it to a totally deeper level of awareness. A tool that has and will continue to develop through each session and an excellent building block for living my best life. From stressful situations, road blocks or simply standing for what you believe; Dylan helps bring the negative aspects in life to a positive transformation.  BodyTalk has become a way for me to process and appreciate me and all my self worth. I am moving forward in balance and on purpose, as I am establishing a better relationship with my partner, my family and with myself. I love the doors of success it has opened while providing me the "know how" and "gut feeling" we were meant to follow.

Dylan and BodyTalk is forever there as my balance, my reminder and my friend."

--Andonia Reynolds, 30, Golden BC

...Would you like to submit a client testimonial to Being Wellness and Healing?  Email us at info@beingwellnessandhealing.com!

Client Testimonials


BW&H Client Testimonials

The following list of client testimonials is compiled over time submitted by volunteers willing to share their experience with the Being Wellness and Healing community!